Concern: I’m worried my parents might not be able to afford to pay for the care they need. What should I do?
We develop comprehensive plans that incorporate the legal, financial, and health care needs of our clients.
We develop comprehensive plans that incorporate the legal, financial, and health care needs of our clients.
Concern: I’m worried my parents might not be able to afford to pay for the care they need. What should I do?
It is important to address heirs property before generations go by and more heirs are added to the list of parties to the eventual lawsuit.
Aretha Franklin passed away last year from pancreatic cancer. Today, three handwritten wills were discovered in her Michigan home. Under South Carolina law, Aretha Franklin’s handwritten wills would likely not be valid since they were not signed with two witnesses. However, a personal property distribution in this format likely would be held valid.
When you can’t find an original will after someone’s death, it can cause many issues and problems for family members and loved ones.
Prince died without a will and 2 years later his estate has still not been distributed.
Plan for your child with Autism. Set up the appropriate supplemental needs trust or testamentary trust for your child.